Saturday, June 3, 2017

Thursday, 6/1/17 - Bradenton, FL

We are in circus-land, FL.

Next time, next time.

Hello Manatee!

We are at the Bradenton Marauders (A-Advanced for the pittsburgh Pirates) to see them play the Ft. Meyers Miracle (A-Advanced for the Minnesota Twins). They are in the Florida State League.

They play at LECOM Park



Roberto Clemente tree frog

Big blowup chair

Stephanie and her cousin Ned on the big blowup chair.

The field

Somehow we caught the outfielder in mid-jump,


Marty and Stephanie. 

View from the outfield

View of the tiki bar

Burger Toppings race

Us with Stephanie's childhood friend and cousin. Hi Heather and Ned!

Big scoreboard

Wall of Fame


The Marauders took the win!

Congratulations to the Marauders!

Todd and Dutch

Heather and Dutch. Dutch seems thirsty. Thanks to Heather for the hospitality! Sorry about the Cavs game. (blech)

Tuesday, 5/30/17 - Ft. Lauderdale and Wednesday, 5/31/17 - Ft. Meyers (no baseball)

We stayed in Hardee-less Hardeeville, SC.

Bye-bye SC!

Going to GA to find a Hardee's!

FOUND IT! Sadly, the Aporkalypse is a breakfast item and we were too late.

Be prepared.

Mmm. Unfortunately, we could not find Peach World. Maybe James and his friends ate it all.

This confused us. Is this the road where one can find the Horse Stamp Church? Or is there a horse stamping and a church roading?

Hello to sunny FLA.

And, uh, hello to you too.

Lunch stop

Todd is rasslin' gators.

Todd (eating gator tail) won.

All Todd could imagine was baby kangaroos carrying your bills in their pouches, hopping down the sidewalk.


We're in Ft. Lauderdale visiting our friend Annette. Her apartment could be classified as an animal sanctuary. She could be classified as a cat lady. There are 9 cats and 1 (alleged) dog.



Annette and Crackers



Annette and Tater.

Todd and Crackers




All of us and Crackers

Do it

Uh-oh. There's some weather coming through Alligator Alley.


Those boats procured the shrimp for Stephanie's shrimp-and-grits for dinner.

Band outside of the restaurant.

Thank you to Bob, Cole and Sue for your amazing hospitality!

Thanks to Angel for her hospitality, too!

And Sammy!