Todd? Please don't pick up any hitch-hikers.
Hey, what's a baseball trip without Bull Durham?
Is this the inspiration for the Cyndi Lauper song?
We tried to ask him why his brethren cross the road but he bolted.
This is an interesting place for a fire hydrant. Is it for forest fires? Car fires?
Yes you do.
Proof that we are in the South.
Todd: I'm gonna go eat worms.
Stephanie: I'm gonna go eat crickets.
Literal flower bed
Cayce, SC. Somehow we keep jumping back and forth over the GA/SC border.
We're hungry!
We discovered that South Carolina BBQ is mustard-based.
We had to research if it is spelled "roofs" or "rooves."
We made it back into Georgia. Again.
We stopped to meet Stephanie's cousin in Augusta. Hi Pam! Great seeing you!
This is very nearly our friend "Metal Mark." And he's from Georgia!
We liked these stickers on the back of a Yield sign.
Soon Augusta will have a new ballpark! Guess what! It's in South Carolina.
This is as much as we could see of it.
A native son of Augusta.
Selfie instructions
We're in Augusta to see the Geenjackets (A for the San Francisco Giants) play the Rome Braves (A for the Atlanta Braves). They are in the South Atlantic League, familiarly called "Sally."
Yet another big "G" held in captivity. Not as big as in Green Bay. See 2016 blog for the largest "G" in captivity.
Don't worry! They took cash, too.
Stephanie found some Disney princesses.
How many steps to the field?
Shaped like a pennant
We are too! We think...
No kids on the slide in the rain.
Stephanie and Auggie. Love the golf pants!
It's hard to watch your step while reading all of this.
The princesses and the honorary first pitcher.
Duck! Or, Wasp!
They've done very well.
Mmm... Sheboygan...
D'oh! The BBQ where we ate earlier is a chain!
The princesses sing the national anthem.
The view from our seats
Zoomed in
Where Todd got food.
Todd's turkey leg, Stephanie's loaded french fries.
Air guitar competition
Golf competition in Augusta? Seems appropriate.
Can he get it in the pool?
The outfield
Auggie and the winner of the air guitar competition (Chris). Still rockin'!
This kid's father (Jose Vizcaino, Sr.) played for Stephanie's Indians and Todd's Yankees. Todd wants to remind everyone that Vizcaino Sr. also won a World Series with his Yankees. Thanks Todd.
The princesses (Cinderella, Ariel and Belle) from behind. Their numbers are the years their movies were released.
Well said, sir. Well said.
A scout for the Sally.
Us, there!
Stephanie models the next trend in outerwear.
Who doesn't love a good sidearm pitcher?
This poor woman, rolling up and down the walkway all game shouting "LAUNCH-A-BALL!" At various times, we heard "Lobster Roll!" and "Matzoh Ball!"
The Greenjackets trounced the Braves.
When we got back to the hotel, we saw this. Hi Jessica!
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